
Friday, October 25, 2013

Entertainment Shopping Strategies

An Entertainment Shopping auction is an auction which charges it's users per bid they make. Since people are paying for each bid, the item usually sells for a very low percentage of its actual value. The problem is that often times bidders will spend almost as much, if not more money trying to win auctions with no luck. This is why I have provided four quick ways detailing how you can increase your odds at winning a given auction:

#1 Track past auctions for the same item
In a spreadsheet, keep track of each item and what end price, and time of day it ended. You can then calculate the average price the auction usually gets for a particular product and if the bidding surpasses the average you can enter the bidding war on that product. I would recommend possibly only entering the bidding war once the item is at least 10% over it's average sell price. Be patient and don't be to fast to get involved in an auction.

#2 Get as many free bids as you can
Do this by referring friends. Most Entertainment shopping sites have lucrative referral programs. It's a lot easier to bid with a clear head knowing you did not have to pay for the bids, then if you are stressing over how much money you are possibly throwing away bidding on each item.

#3 Have a set number of bids you are willing to use for each particular auction.
If you surpass this number, then move on to the next auction. This will prevent you from getting too caught up in the moment, and possibly spending way too much trying to win an individual number.

#4 Wait till the bidding is between only 2 people
If there are 3 or more people consistently bidding on one auction then wait until it's down to just 2 bidders fighting it out. This way there is not too much competition, and it will often stress the other 2 bidders out so much when you enter that they will just stop bidding altogether, allowing you to win the auction.

You are never guaranteed a sure strategy to win at these Entertainment shopping auctions, however you can increase your odds greatly if you follow those four tips strictly.


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